Saturday, June 21, 2008

Top Ten....

I really enjoyed reading your 10 things that "Jesus likes" about you.... It made me stop and think about myself - which is something I don't do very often. I thank God daily for the many blessings He has given to me but really haven't thought about the things about myself or that I do that pleases God. Here's my attempt.

Jesus likes:
1) That I love Him with all my heart.
2) That I love being a Mom - and love my two daughters more than anything.
3) That I love being a Grandma, and my hearts desire to see my Grandkids more.
4) That I love ALL my family unconditionally.
5) That I can laugh at myself.
6) That I am not afraid of working hard - whether at my job, or at my home.
7) That I am not a selfish person.
8) That I love sitting on my screened-in porch enjoying all the things in nature that God gave us to enjoy. It is so invigorating, yet so peaceful, to sit and listen to the birds sing and hearing the wind in the trees.
9) That I desire to be healthy.
10) That I have an optimistic heart and always look for the good in others.